Prior to the start of my studies in the Baker Program in Real Estate, I interned for the summer in Toll Brothers’ corporate headquarters in Horsham, PA. By spending time with their internal consulting division, I was able to understand and contribute to a multitude of different functions within this Fortune 500, luxury homebuilder. I… Continue Reading 2019 SUMMER INTERNSHIPS SERIES: RASHAAD ROBINSON, TOLL BROTHERS
Author: Rashaad Robinson
Rashaad is a second-year candidate pursing an MPS in Real Estate at the Baker Program of Real Estate. Prior to the program, Rashaad was the owner and founder of a residential real estate company that specialized in value-add acquisitions. He is a proud United States Air Force Veteran and fan of travel. Upon completion of his studies at Cornell, Rashaad will be working in the Investment Management Division at Goldman Sachs.